I see solo dance choreography and performance as an opportunity to plumb the depths of my life experience (with all its seriousness and silliness), and to give voice to that which is universal also.
For me, it is a continual moving back-and-forth between the universal and the particular, a kind of learning about: "what was there for me once, what is there for me now."*
Doing so allows me to imprint and reaffirm the necessity of being "alive to the instant," that marvelous phraseology coined by Martha Graham to describe the moment-to-moment sense of "awakeness" which permeates the dancer's art.
The search for each new dance, and the opportunity to body forth its uniqueness into the performance space, keeps my sense of wonder alive, and allows me to participate in, and celebrate, the wonder of existence for myself and those who watch and witness.
It is: "a way of seeing and then seeing again."*
*from "Pentimento," by Lillian Hellman.
© 2001 range-of-(e)motion dances